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  • Registration of license Agreements

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    Patent attorneys from our patent office "Intlid" will be glad to provide you with a full range of patent and legal services on registration of license agreements.

    The right holder's rights include not only the possibility of banning all others from using the trademark (invention), but the possibility to guarantee to a person not to forbid its use under certain conditions and for a certain period of time. This warranty is given in accordance with the license agreement.

    Under the license agreement, the copyright holder (licensor) undertakes to grant the right to use the protected trademark (invention) to the extent provided by the contract, another person (licensee), and the latter assumes the responsibility To make to the licensor the payments caused by the contract and (or) to carry out other actions stipulated by the contract.

    When drafting a license agreement it is necessary to take into account that the contract must have a number of conditions, two of which are considered mandatory. The contract should provide the object of transfer and the volume of transferred rights (type of license-exclusive or non-exclusive). Also in the license agreement it is necessary to specify its territorial effect, term, amount of remuneration, as well as rights and obligations of the parties.

    In terms of the volume of rights granted, the license agreements are essentially limited to two types: a simple (non-exclusive) license agreement and an exclusive license agreement.

    Our patent attorneys will be qualified to provide you with any services in registration of license agreements.

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